What Did 8 Years Of Modelling Taught Me About Life?
Photo by Jason Finch
1. It’s not about the free photos
Sure, I have done a lot of TFP over the years. I used to love getting free photos from photoshoots. But I learnt that it has taken me some time to rethink why I am in the modelling industry. I go back to my WHY. Why am I in this industry? Is it just for free photos? If so, I won’t last in the industry, I tell myself. Cause when the going gets tough, the only reason that I’m in the industry ‘for free photos’ is just not good enough.
2. It’s about the PEOPLE
One thing I love is getting people and creatives together to make a story, and make photographic artwork. It’s not about whether I get paid or not, it’s not about if I am more confident than the other female models. It’s not about whether I get more modelling gigs than others. It’s about meeting with like-minded individuals and creating something beautiful together. Art. Beautiful art.
3. Success is not measured by how many likes I get on my modelling photos
I used to think my worth as a model was based on how many likes I got on my photo on Instagram and Facebook. I sought validation from getting likes. But no, I have moved past that now. I am a unique and beautiful human being with my flaws and everything. My worth is measured by what I tell myself. Not based by how many likes there are.