How To Burn-Out

Trust me, I have had a close and first encounter with burning out/burnt-out.

So how did I burnt out?

1) By Saying YES To Everything

That includes saying yes to work shift rosters, catching up with friends, and going to every fashion event. When going to a fashion event, I usually meet friends in the fashion industry who asks me, “Suzanne, are you going to this next fashion event?” and I would struggle to say no. I know I probably couldn’t afford it and budget it into my finances, but I say yes anyway.

2) By Neglecting Self-Care

Whether that’s doing a 3 min mindful breathing meditation on Youtube, putting on a face mask, listening to calm music or treating myself to a nice meal - that’s all different kinds of self care. Self-care and self-love is so important. And if you don’t incorporate this in your daily life, you will be at risk of burning out like me.

3) By Not Being Kind To Yourself

This one is very similar to self care and self love - but I want to insist on the importance of this one too. In this world, I have told myself that I have to do a certain a million and hundred thousand things to do in one go, and I had to prove myself to people, and the world. Prove that I’m a ‘good’ person. Prove that I can achieve certain things in life. Prove that I can maintain a job.

So there we go - did you find this blog post interesting? I thought I was going to post, “How NOT to Burn Out” - but I thought I would change it around. Because it’s important to know how people burn out (not just me!)


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