A Letter To The World From A Girl With Bipolar Part II
Photo by Bronson Moyle
Dear World,
Many times you made me prove who I am as a person.
My worth is based on how many likes and followers I have on Instagram.
I felt the social norms hammering me down and makes me feel like I’m choking.
When I got the diagnosis of Bipolar, I felt the world crumbling down around me.
Sure, it helped answer some things why I was the way I am.
But, world, I want to let you know that I am stronger than you think I am.
I believe my story will impact on people in a positive way.
I try to not care about how many followers and likes I get on my post.
World, if you wait and see and be patient with me, then maybe I feel I don’t have to rush into things.
I am beautiful the way I already am.
No need to change for someone or something.
No need to explain things to people.
From Suzanne