INTERVIEW with Susana Downes || Singer, Actor, Dancer & Beauty Queen
Photo by Katherine Moffett (Musgrave Media)
SD: Hi Susana. Can you introduce yourself to my readers who don’t know you yet?
Susana: Hello! My name is Susana Downes, I’m a singer, actor, dancer and beauty queen from Sydney! I play the role of Gigi Bulesco in Netflix’s The Unusual Suspects and I am the host of OFTV’s Second Season of Model Farmers!
SD: You won Miss Earth Australia 2019. Can you tell us more about it?
Susana: I did! It is THE pageant to compete in if you are passionate about the environment or animal conservation! I competed in 2018 and placed in the Elemental court, so I spent the rest of 2018 and all of 2019 really focussing on winning that pageant! It really made me concentrate on how to better the Earth and what part I have in protecting the environment. I ended up going vegan because of Miss Earth and I make more conscious choices in my every day life – Renting clothes, using keep cups and more sustainable materials in the work place.
SD: How did you become interested in pageants?
Susana: I watched the movie Beautiful starring Minnie Driver RELIGIOUSLY as a child, and I loved the glitz and glamour of that movie. From there, I watched a family friend of mine compete in Miss Philippines-Australia back in 2013 and thought I could inject some of my personality into the industry. I competed in that same pageant in 2015 and won Miss Charity Queen Australia after raising $21,000 for various charities in the Philippines and I haven’t looked back since!
SD: What’s in your makeup bag right now?
Susana: So many things haha. I am a huge fan of Rare Beauty at the moment; their liquid blushes and foundation are my go-to! I’ve also been loving the Kosas lip oil in Unbuttoned and the Tarte Maracuja Juicy Lip in Rose! I have oily skin and cannot live without the OneSize Beauty Translucent powder as well! Plus my brow oil, made by my brow girl Bianca ( @thebrowhaus.b on Instagram)
SD: What is your vision of success?
Susana: When everything you’ve worked hard at comes to fruition and you can breathe easy. The lack of anxiety (which I have A LOT of) and not feeling the struggle.
SD: What do you most admire in a woman and why?
Susana: Kindness is the biggest thing – not only to others but to herself. Vulnerability as well, my favourite public figures are the ones who share their struggles to their audiences to make them feel like their not alone. I hope I’m doing the same with my supporters and make them feel like being open, honest and asking for help is something not to be feel ashamed about.
SD: If you could give one piece of advice to your 25 year old self, what would it be?
Susana: Oh lord, break up with this boy. The tiny signs you’re seeing now are actually bigger red flags than you thought haha. You are the only person who should be in control of yourself. But also save your money girl! In 5 years time, you’ll be wishing you still had those savings. Do the things that make you happy – take classes, compete in what you want to compete in!
SD: Who are you most inspired by in the Pageant World and why?
Susana: My fellow Phil/Aus queen Catriona Gray, fun fact we did the same degree and finished school around the same time! I just love that she didn’t let the haters who were bodyshaming her in the lead up to Miss Universe get to her. She rose above and WON! Her style is also so inspirational!
SD: How have beauty pageants impacted your life and your career?
Susana: Call times are super easy to work with now, I don’t mind early starts or late finishes anymore! I also just really appreciate every opportunity that comes my way, no need to complain about things that are out of my control. A lot of what we do in pageants is out of our control, so may as well enjoy what’s happening at the time!
SD: What is your best beauty secret?
Susana: Stop eating dairy! I had severe cystic acne from about 14 to 22 (I got my first pimple at age 7 and it went downhill from there). I went on all the medication (both orally and topically) that I could and nothing was working UNTIL I stopped making dairy be part of my regular diet. My skin cleared up so much and now I only get breakouts if I don’t wash my face
Photo by Paul Vasquez
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