INTERVIEW with Sarah Hutson || Founder of SFH Designs & Entrepreneur
Photo by Erika Myer
SD: Hi Sarah. Can you introduce yourself to my readers who don't know you yet?
SH: Hi my name is Sarah Hutson and I am the Owner and Creative Director for SFH Designs Boutique in New Farm. I am also mum to three beautiful daughters aged 21, 19 and 16 years old, a gorgeous kitty named Delilah and wife to hubby Rob.
SD: What were you like growing up? How would your friends and family have described you?
SH: I guess I was quite a shy child so early days growing up in New Zealand I was always with family and then moving to Townsville in North Queensland certainly opened up new friendships and a different outgoing lifestyle.
Photo by Erika Myer
SD: What were the main challenges you faced at the early stages of your business? And do you still encounter them to this day?
SH: The main challenges are always getting customers to come in and visit your store. I make SFH Designs Boutique a destination for all your fabulous fashion needs. The other challenge is always the weather as Queenslanders don’t tend to go out in the rain. I’m also pleased to say we survived Covid for the past 2 years, it’s been extra hard work but we got there.
SD: If you could turn the time, what would you love to do in regards to your business?
SH: SFH Designs Boutique was only going to be a six week pop-up shop but now we have been here in New Farm (Cnr of Moray & Merthyr Rd) for over three years. There isn’t anything I would like to change as it has evolved fabulously for me.
SD: As you grew the business, what have been some of the most important leadership lessons you have learned?
SH: I have learnt that all I need is within me - to believe in myself, to be positive and that I am enough. Sometimes it doesn’t turn out the way you planned but really, it wasn’t meant to be and there’s something better coming your way. Be patient with yourself.
Photo by Erika Myer
SD: What keeps you going even in hard times?
SH: I love creating workshops and colourful events and being surrounded by fun loving people who uplift each other especially when times are down.
SD: How do you define success; do you believe you are a success?
SH: If I was to define success (my happiness), it would be the amount of amazing people that have walked through the SFH Designs Boutique doors, or I have met through our events. Having this opportunity to have met and continue to meet such like-minded joyful people makes me feel like I’m earning a million bucks (though I’m not 😝) but it makes me happy.
SD: What two pieces of advice can you give to someone who wants to become an expert in their chosen field?
SH: Be prepared for long hours and lots of hard work. Find the joy in what you want to do and always look after yourself. Keep believing in you, as you are number one!
SD: What is the last ‘one word’ advice you will give to my readers when it comes to succeeding as an entrepreneur?
SH: Always be ‘innovative’ don’t succumb to downtimes such as Covid, create your own positive solutions. Twiddling your thumbs and saying ‘poor me’ will certainly not get you anywhere, so stay out of drama and don’t let any negativity creep in. Get out there and attract that positive magic in.
Sarah Hutson’s Social Media Presence:
Photo by Erika Myer