INTERVIEW with Elizabeth Kingston || Sewist, Design Consultant & Curator of Style

Above: From Elizabeth’s Instagram

SD: Hi Elizabeth. Can you introduce yourself to my readers who don't know you yet?

EK: Hi…….. My name is Elizabeth Kingston. I have been sewing my own clothes since around the age of 13. I formally trained as a Secondary Visual Arts Teacher (specialising in Textiles and Ceramics), spending over 30 years in the classroom. 

In the mid-1980’s I started my own Fashion Label Tpinjii Designs, designing and Lino-block printing the fabric. In 1987 and 1988 I won two Fashion Supreme Awards, which empowered me to leave education for a few years and pursue a business in Fashion. I created three collections a year, which were sold throughout Queensland and New South Wales. After producing my final collection in 1993, I returned to Teaching, but continued to create custom-made garments for a small group of clientele over the next 5 years.  

These days I enjoy creating for myself. Around 90% of my wardrobe has been created by me. I choose not to follow fashion trends, but rather develop my own style.  The remainder of my wardrobe is either pre-loved or designed by Australian designers.

SD: What does a typical day look like for you?

EK: I don’t really have a typical Day as such…….. but a typical Week will include 3-4 days at work; half a day volunteering at my local Lifeline store in Visual Merchandising; catching up with my mother and my son; and fitting in as many hours sewing as I can.

SD: What are you most passionate about?

EK: I am very passionate about Textiles and Dressing Up! I love creating garments which utilise a diverse combination of colours & prints, (and at times, surface hand-embellishment)……. then curating the final look with an eclectic range of accessories. I love sharing my creative journey with others to educate and inspire those who are searching for ideas in how to express themselves in their personal style. My Instagram account @timeless_styling has proven to be a great platform for this.

Above: Photo by Terry Memory

SD: What’s one thing that my readers would be surprised to learn about you?

EK: I was very athletic during my younger years……. participating in team sports such as Softball, A Grade Netball, Football (Soccer) and being in my high school athletic squad for 100m Sprint, 4 x 100m Relay and Javelin (for which I succeeded in coming 4th in the 1978 Queensland Secondary Schools Girls State Championships). I was awarded Female Athlete of the Year at my Year 12 Sports Awards Dinner.

SD: What are three things you are grateful for today? 

EK: In these challenging times, I am grateful to be surrounded by loving and supportive friends and family; enjoying reasonably good health; and to be blessed with many creative skills which add immense joy to my life.

SD: What is your most memorable achievement to date?

EK: My most memorable achievement to date is surviving a marriage breakup in my 50’s and becoming a single parent. I am most proud of my strength, resilience, resourcefulness and positivity which have contributed to maintaining a healthy self-esteem during these years of difficulty.

SD: What is your definition of success?

EK: Success for me is attaining the goals you set yourself……. be they ticking off 90% of your Daily “To Do List” or nailing that interview!

Follow Elizabeth on her:



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