3 Tips In Becoming A Motivational Speaker

Ever dreamt in becoming a motivational speaker?

Want to inspire people with your story?

Or even really want to challenge yourself emotionally and mentally?

Motivational and public speaking is the best way to go to improve yourself not just personally, but professionally too!

Here are my top tips in becoming a motivational speaker:

1) Let Go of The Fear Of Being Judged

You have been chosen to speak on stage and you are there for a good reason. Let go of the fear of being judged, not just by others but don’t judge yourself too. Once you have passed the feeling of judgment, you are free.

2) Prepare Notes Just in Case

Throughout the years of being a speaker, I learnt to use the power of notes. When I say this, I mean you don’t always have to use your notes. You can put notes aside (if there’s a lectern) and place them on the lectern. If you feel you’re losing what you want to speak next, go back to your notes. But don’t read from the notes word by word. The most powerful talks and speeches are spoken by the heart, not the notes.

3) Be Ready To Be Approached By Others

I always have at least one person approach me and give me feedback (positive ones!) about what they thought about my speech. Sometimes there’s people who line up to speak to me. I am very happy when people approach me and I do a little bit of networking (I love networking!)

Photo by Bob McGahan


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