INTERVIEW with Harriet Nixon || Content Creator, Style Blogger & Vegan Beauty Blogger

Photo by Natalie Nixon

SD: Hi Harriet. Can you please introduce yourself to my readers who don’t know you yet?

HN: Hi there! I'm Harriet (Hattie for short). I am a content creator, style blogger and a cruelty-free and vegan beauty blogger from Brisbane whose aesthetic is about eclectic fashion, ready to wear thrifted gems, fun, colour and statement pieces. I pair thrifted, vintage, handmade, slow fashion labels and consignment items in unique ways and pair prints and colours together, but it doesn’t stop there. I have a unique style that sets me apart from the crowd, and as a QUT marketing and fashion communications student, I am eager to succeed in the Australian fashion and beauty industry. I am obsessed about all things colourful and fun.

SD: What inspired you to start shopping sustainably?

HN: When I was 13 or so, I could never find clothes I wanted to wear in mainstream and fast fashion stores. I hated how everyone looked alike, and struggled to feel separate from my peers, and felt I had the flare but not the resources. I started going to thrift stores, markets and buying second hand online, and haven't stopped. I started to hunt down the best thrift shops in Brisbane, and travelled to antique centres to find some sweet vintage, and from there was able to form my own aesthetic and fashion sense. Today, I still do all of that and now have found a love for luxury consignment. I have always had a taste for eclectic fashion, and even though I have been a thrifter since I was 13, my first experience with pre-loved shopping was when my mum used to take me to antique centres when I was as young as 5. This is such a fond memory of mine because we used to go to the one in New Farm (where I still go today!) and she had a rule where if I wanted to come with her, I’d have to have my hands behind my back because I could be a little missy sticky beak and wanted to touch everything (who can blame me). My mum’s house is all thrifted and or sourced from an antique store, which is also where my love for the pre-loved came to life.

SD: What is your day job?

HN: My day job is content creation on Instagram for brands, as well as a full time uni student. Up until the end of last year, I was working part time as a retail assistant and stylist, but decided to leave and put all of my energy into my page and the growth of my personal brand.

SD: Where do you get your inspiration for all your outfits?

HN: I get my inspiration from Instagram, whether other creators or brands, Pinterest, my mum, my surroundings but also just myself. At the end of the day, we are all our own muse and as I know myself the best, I am able to style myself and match colours and patterns in a way no one else could as I am my own canvas. Most nights, I am trying to sleep and use Siri to write down outfits that pop into my head so I don't forget them.

SD: What challenges do you think ethical shoppers face?

HN: I think challenges that ethical shoppers face is that shopping sustainably can still be expensive, and the cheapest way to be sustainable is to shop your own wardrobe. I think even as ethical shoppers, we still fall into wearing something once, and it lives in your wardrobe untouched. It is so important to give clothes new lives whether that is to up-cycle it or to donate to a charity. Also, greenwashing. I think a lot of people today are quick to purchase something if it seems eco-friendly or green, but a lot of brands, whether fashion or even coffee beans, are deceiving consumers to buy their products as they are 'environmentally friendly'. It is so important to research brands' history prior to buying from them, and if the info isn't there, reach out to them and find out from the source.

Photo by Natalie Nixon

SD: What’s on your music playlist now?

HN: What is on my music playlist right now is a lot of Tenacious D. I love Jack Black and my siblings and I loved The Pick of Destiny, so I have had a lot of the movie's soundtrack on repeat lately.

SD: Can you share the best piece of fashion advice that anyone has ever given you?

HN: The best piece of fashion advice that anyone has ever given me would be to take off one thing before leaving the house. The quote is by Chanel, but my mum reminds me of it always; “Before you leave the house, look in the mirror and take one thing off.” Even though I don't believe in something can be too much, removing or changing one piece can change an entire outfit.

SD: Which makeup/beauty products you can’t live without?
HN: This is such a hard one ha! If I had to, it would be my Fluff Cosmetics bronzer as it matches my skin perfectly and isn't full of nasties and even works as a foundation, my GoTo Face Hero Oil as it is such a golden product all year round, and my Ultra Violette Supreme Screen Skinscreen as SPF must be worn every day (yes, even when it is cloudy!).

SD: Three things you are grateful for today?

HN: 1. Definitely my health. This is such a big one after the year we have all gone through. I am so grateful to be healthy and to just live safely.

2. The memories I have with my gorgeous dog of 18 years who passed away in February. I always feel warm when I think of him, and am immediately taken back to my childhood and pure happiness.

3. My siblings and parents. Over the last 2 years we have overcome a lot, and I feel so grateful we are still standing and as close as ever and did it together. I think if you can get through grief, loss, damage and pain, and come out the other side, then that is really something.

SD: What’s one thing not many people know about you?

HN: That I am such an introvert, and get such a kick out of being alone and reading or watching a tv series. I think a lot of creative people are like this, and I can switch on my extroverted side when I need to. I often am a deep and anxious thinker, and love my own company, however, I do have some precious friends in my life.

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