INTERVIEW with Daniel Lismore || Artist, Designer, Creative Consultant, Celebrity Stylist, Writer and Campaigner
From Vioar Logi
SD: Hi Daniel. Can you please introduce yourself to my readers who don’t know you yet?
DL: I am an artist. I live my life as an artwork.... I think Google has a better introduction then I could give.
SD: Can you tell us about the process of making your work?
DL: There's no particular process when it comes to working. it would depend if I was making a couture gown for someone else for a costume for the stage. My own artwork for myself is very different to how I work when working on an idea for someone else.
I work with colour texture and shapes. I've collected things from all over the world together. I'm not really picky with what I wear it could be a Hermes Birkin with trash liners which I painted and embroidered. I'm fascinated by textiles and explore the planet for interesting things. About four and a half years ago I created an exhibition of my works which has been travelling around the world. They are 3D tapestry versions of what I've been wearing is living art.
From Daniel’s Instagram
SD: Where do you source some of the materials you use in your compositions?
DL: I find things everywhere. Sometimes I find things on the street sometimes I'm sent things sometimes I might buy materials and make something. I'm also sent a lot of interesting pieces from the likes of Bulgari, Westwood Alexander McQueen and a very cool designer in Iran called Salar Bil.
SD: What sort of studies do you do before you begin a piece? What problems are you trying to solve with them?
DL: Everything I obtain I wanna know it's history. Whether in cultural history or how it's made if it's sustainable and where the materials are from. I have about 7000 pieces now in my collection. I'm quite good at remembering everything. All the pieces have a memory attached. It's like wearing all of your memories as armour when he walked down the streets or enter a room full of cameras and flash bulbs.
SD: Once you’re ready to begin a piece, what are the steps you take for the outfit itself?
DL: There is no particular way of working for me. I look at myself in the mirror and think what can I paint today.... I create a base layer and add until I'm happy with the look it's like creating a sculpture or painting but on yourself in the mirror and your body is a canvas.
From Colin Douglas Gray
SD: How long have you been making costumes, and how did you get into it?
DL: What I wear is not costume. It's just what I wear.. it's like my version of a t-shirt and jeans. when I got into making clothes for others it was about 12 years ago. I then opened a fashion label and made clothes for celebrities and fabulous ladies all over the world. I then last year got into costume making at the English national opera and did a production called the "Mask of Orpheus" it was a surreal production I'm very different to how i worked before.
SD: Do you listen to music while you design for costumes? What is your favourite?
DL: My favourite music is Whitney Houston Mariah Carey and Bjork. I also listen to a lot of Classical music. There's other times I put on the Rolling Stones David Bowie
From Daniel’s Instagram
SD: What do you do when you are not creating?
DL: I've been doing a lot of public speaking recently. I did a Ted talk which was the hardest thing iv done yet. I'm very lucky to be able to do whatever I wish whenever I wish. I fill my days with cultural events, fashion happenings and seeing nature. I also do a lot of research into art, culture, artists and become friend with the people I am interested in.
SD: If you could change something about the world, what would it be and why?
I would abolish hate. Make it illegal to act on it.
SD: What famous artist from history would you like to spend a day with and what would you do together?
DL: I'd love so sit in a garden with the photographer Stephen Arnold, Dali who was his close friend. David Lachapelle and Andy Warhol who was also Andy's friend and sit and listen to them all. Maybe get someone like Isabella Blow to interview them all and art direct photos of them... I wouldn't say a word... just watch and listen..
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Art Exhibition: