INTERVIEW with Candace Ford || Ms Galaxy Australia National Finalist 2024
Above: Photo by Damo Guy Photography
SD: Hi Candace. Can you introduce yourself to my readers who don’t know you yet?
CF: My name is Candace Ford, I am 37 years old and a proud mum to two teenagers, Georgia who is 17 and Josh who is 15. I am a full time formal leader for WAs electrical supply company, Western Power, a volunteer events coordinator for Worthy Australia and an advocate for survivors and victims of domestic and family violence. I support a number of charitable organisations that are close to my heart including Worthy, Share the Dignity, batyr and Feed it Forward
SD: You’re a finalist for Ms Galaxy Australia 2024. Can you tell us more about it?
CF: Being a finalist in Australia Galaxy Pageants probably isn’t what you think it would be. This system is more like a sisterhood. It is all about empowerment, growth, friendships and becoming the very best version of you that you can be. This is my third year competing and I wouldn’t keep coming back year after year if I didn’t think it was worth it. The personal development and the amazing people I get to meet through this process, make everything worth it, every year.
SD: How did you become interested in pageants?
CF: Honestly, I had always been curious but through my work with Worthy Australia, I met Jade Samantha who was wearing her national finalist tiara and sash to an event and after speaking to her, I wanted in! I started in pageants to prove to myself that I could do anything and to show my daughter that you are only limited by your own beliefs and I continue to do it because it the energy, the vibe and the strength, growth and determination I have come across.
SD: What’s in your makeup bag right now?
CF: It’s not even in a bag, it’s neatly stored in a spinable tray with lots of compartments. I love being organised. A place for everything and everything in its place. My go to product though is always my highlighting and bronzing palette because I feel I can do just about anything with that one thing!
Above: Photo by Huzzard Studios
SD: What is your vision of success?
CF: Success for me is not about “arriving”, it’s about the journey. If I can learn something new each day, it’s been a success or if I can teach someone something new it’s a success. Growth mindset always!
SD: What do you admire in a woman and why?
CF: Integrity. Having a solid moral compass and always being honest is so important. We rely on the women closest to us to share our ups and downs and tell us whether our butts look big in this or not. The truth will always set you free.
I love this quote; “In looking for people to hire or befriend, you look for three qualities: integrity, intelligence, and energy. And if they don’t have the first, the other two will kill you.”—Warren Buffet
SD: If you could give one piece of advice to your 14 year old self, what would it be?
CF: Other peoples opinion of you is their problem, not yours.
SD: Who are you most inspired by in the Pageant World and why?
CF: Deshauna Barber. She was the first American soldier to win Miss USA and did so in 2016. She competed 7 times before winning her state title and went on to finish in the top 9 at Miss Universe! Deshauna has a great quote, “ Do not fear failure, but please, be terrified of regret. Giving up is the birth of regret”
SD: How have beauty pageants impacted your life and your career?
CF: I whole heartedly believe that I have the team leader position I am in currently, due to my time in pageantry. Having the practise of pageant interviews, under pressure and needing to be concise in your answers is a skill and it is honed at pageants. Bring in pageants have also inspired me to learn more about emotional intelligence, as everyone is different and I love understanding people. EI has then made me a better leader and a better mother and better fiancée.
SD: What is your best beauty secret?
CF: Best “secret” isn’t a secret. Get a good nights sleep and drink the water! Other than that, beauty is not skin deep, true beauty shines out from your soul so make good choices and be a good human. Act with integrity and stay humble. That’s what makes you beautiful.
Candace’s Links:
Candace’s batyr fundraising page:
Above: Photo by gzeepix